What’s a Ska’d Cast?

It’s a light-hearted Ska Music History and Comedy podcast!

Checkered Past: The Ska’d Cast is a Canadian Ska Music Podcast hosted by siblings Celine and Rob! Every episode they interview a musician, podcaster or comedian and discuss their Ska pasts. Then they enter the Time Skachine to deep dive into an influential Ska artists’ catalogue and history all the while playing games, nerding out and making puns.


Celine Piquette

The charismatic co-host of Checkered Past: Ska’d Cast, Celine often acts as the avatar for the listener in the podcast. With her infectious energy and take-no-prisoners attitude she is not afraid to tell it like it is. While not necessarily the Ska expert, she is passionate about the stories, inclusive to the guests and ready to punch up the jokes. Off pod she owns and operates Daughters Salon in Edmonton, Alberta.

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Rob Piquette

Rob is the far less charismatic co-host of Checkered Past: The Ska’d cast and brings the stories and research materials to life. Never shy to toss some trivia in, engage in a thought-provoking aside or, more likely, wait for the best time to make a pun. He is the one responsible for most research, music and guests and is the resident Skaficionado. Off pod, Rob is a total nerd.

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Joey Woods

Joey is the resident dude of Checkered Past: The Ska’d Cast. He engineers nearly every episode thanks to his experience in the Punk Rock scene in Edmonton but will also pop on mic for the bonus episodes to offer his chill guy vibes and act as a third co-host and editor. He is passionate about listener engagement and is often coming up with ideas to make the podcast more enjoyable to listen to!

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Arianne Smith-Piquette

The real brains of the operation, Arianne does most of the hard work: namely edits and produces the episodes. When things get too wild and blue sky, she uses her experience in the music industry to let the rest of the crew know what can be done and what avenues they can take to actually make the whole affair happen. She has an ear for quality and is largely responsible for episodes having a truly produced and professional sound. She also doesn’t like Ska all that much.

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Chris Reeves

Chris is the owner and proprietor, or something, of Ska Punk International a US-based record label specializing in Ska and Punk from around the globe! Chris has a soft touch on Checkered Past and often collaborates on guests, festival appearances and production. He also shows up on the podcast from time to time. There isn’t really a name for what he does so he is simply known as the Skassociate Producer!

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